Why No Apple Of The Windows World?
Apple rules the personal computer roost when it comes to leveraging consistently high design and user friendly product integration. And, this mastery of the subtle aspects of melding technology to suit end-users has garnered the company a sustained 3% or more slice of the computer biz. ... the premium 3% slice, at that.
Where is the Windows PC maker that owns the same small but lucrative space at the top of that market? Why isn't there one. And, who could be the one to seize this obviously open opportunity?
Where is the Windows PC maker that owns the same small but lucrative space at the top of that market? Why isn't there one. And, who could be the one to seize this obviously open opportunity?
If you want quality, coolness, and premium integration - they have it down.
That said, HP has some amazing multimedia laptops out too with a remote control tucked in the PCcard slot.
Apple's success doesn't depend on mere stunning industrial design, but from the insight that user experience must be at the core of all design.
Meanwhile, Wintel box manufacturers have to design around the plans laid down by Intel and Microsoft. The real rebels might go with an AMD motherboard and an integrated FM tuner card.
Without control of the whole design package, you're just somebody else's 'sales peripheral'.